Our Mission  

A community that continues to nurture‘the LSR spirit of liberation through knowledge’ and transforms lives through sustainable support and action.

Our Objectives  

The Objectives of the Association as stated in the Memorandum, and to which all of us, as Alumni of the Lady Shri Ram College for Women commit to as Members of the Association are given below. All intentions, initiatives and actions shall be driven by the aims and vision of these objectives.

  • To provide a forum for all Alumni of Lady Shri Ram College, to connect, meet and interact, to promote and support each other in all areas.

  • To promote professional and socio-cultural interaction among the Alumni and their family members.

  • To build an active network of Alumni across India and the world.

  • To encourage formation of Chapters of the Association to increase participation of Alumni.

  • To organize lectures, symposia, workshops, conventions for the Alumni and also for the students of the College to share knowledge and experience and promote dialogue and debate.

  • To create awareness about the achievements, contribution and the rich heritage of the College amongst the Alumni, present students, workplaces, society and the media.

  • To encourage the Alumni to take an abiding interest in the progress and development of the alma mater.

  • To promote and foster interest between the ex and present students of the College.

  • To undertake, organize or promote such other activities which may be approved by the Members and the Executive Committee, particularly activities with civic or charitable and such other similar objectives related to the empowerment and education of women, human resource development and employment of alumnae, socio-cultural and economic issues that impact women and Alumni, for the welfare and empowerment of women, LGBTIQ and other excluded populations, including Alumni.

  • To help, encourage and assist the spread of education, and to render assistance, award scholarships / bursaries to deserving student and for this purpose to take all steps as may be necessary.

  • To create, associate, or co-operate with any other Society or Association having the same or similar objects in such manner and to such extent as may be desirable or possible.

  • To promote national integration through the destruction of barriers of caste, creed,colour, race and regionalism through the Members of the Association on a larger national and global scale.

  • To provide leadership in promoting and advocating the Objects of the Association.

  • To mobilize resources for supporting the Objects of the Association.

  • To collect, hold, manage, invest and deal with funds and monies of the Association, for the realization of the Objects as per the provisions of the law.

  • To acquire, purchase or otherwise own or take on lease or hire in the Union Territory of Delhi or outside, temporarily or permanently, any moveable or immoveable property necessary or convenient for the furtherance of the Objects of the Association.

  • To employ and pay any staff as necessary or convenient for the furtherance of the Objects of the Association.

  • To undertake all other lawful activities as are conducive or incidental to the above Objects and are beneficial to the interests of the College and/or its Alumni.

Code of Conduct  

Bye Laws  

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